About the Course
Check out our challenging course and see what score you get

Hole 1
An easy hole to start! Stay to the left of the fairway in one and come back to the hole on your second shot. Flat and straightforward, an easy 2 for you.

Hole 2
If you are brave, stay to the left and skirt the water, watch out for the splash, it adds a penalty stroke. The safe player goes up to the big rock in one and then comes down to the hole with the second shot. Most likely a 3 here.

Hole 3
A straightforward hole, one shot up to the hole and one in the cup! It’s flat and very playable. Should be marking a 2 here.

Hole 4
Looks easy, but watch the slope of the hole and the big boulder. Go high on the left side of the fairway and let the ball slide down to the hole for your second or third shot.

Hole 5
It’s all uphill and looks easy. Putt the ball well on the left hand side and it will run up to the flat area, but look out for the rough, the sand trap and the big rock. Go in either of the traps and it will be another stroke to get out. Don’t be surprised at a 3 or 4 here.

Hole 6
Keep the ball dead straight and go between the two rough areas and it will roll right down to the hole. Can be a 2, if you’ve got a gentle touch!

Hole 7
Keep the ball dead straight and go between the two rough areas and it will roll right down to the hole. Can be a 2, if you’ve got a gentle touch!

Hole 8
This hole is built into the side of the fountain, so it dips to the left at a steep angle. Go high on the right near the rough area and let the ball slide down to the hole. Not too hard and not too soft, or you are going to end up in the traps.

Hole 9
This hole also slides to the left at a sharp rate. Stay high to the right and shoot to get on to the flat area around the hole for your second or third shot. You have to be firm to go up on the right side, but don’t hit it too hard or you’ll bounce off the back.

Hole 10
First hole with elevation, it will be a sharp drop and a big bounce if you hit your first shot too hard. If you are a real expert, aim for the pipe hole in the middle of the second tier, hit it correctly, it will put your ball right by the hole. If you don’t, you are going to bounce around a bit and run up the score.

Hole 11
Another tricky water hole! Stay to the right or you are going to need the net to pull the ball out of the water and get a penalty stroke. First shot has to be gentle to get you near the water, but not in it and then go for the cup.

Hole 12
Again with the water! Stay to the right off the tee, or you are going to need the net again and another penalty stroke. Go high on the right and let the ball feed down to the cup for a good score.

Hole 13
Looks straightforward, but lots of changing elevations and rocks make this one a dangerous hole. Stay to your right and miss the rocks is the fastest way, stay to the left and go behind the rocks is safer. Potential for big scores here due to the speed and the slope.

Hole 14
A straightforward hole, go straight between the rocks and down to the cup for an easy putt. Should be a 2 here as long as you play the curve on the course properly.

Hole 15
A hole with a choice! Go across the bridge and go either right or left, depending how brave you are. Right and you have to round the rocks, left you have to go under the bridge. Your choice, choose wisely, your score adds up if you don’t make the right choice.

Hole 16
Get ready for another drop and change in elevation! You have a choice, let the ball trickle over the lip of the drop and run up to the hole or hit it hard and hope that it runs up the steep slope at the back and feeds back down to the hole. What seems simple can really add to your score on this hole!

Hole 17
Looks like a long easy putt! It tilts to the right like crazy and will draw your ball into the trap if you’re not careful. Stay high to the left and hit it firm, so that you don’t drop it into the traps. Some players hit the ball off the back wall and feed it to the hole for a good second, third or fourth shot, depending on how good you are.

Hole 18
A hole with lots of tricks! You can go straight at the hole and putt so that it bounces off the wall and slides down the hill to the hole, watch how hard you hit, but make sure you get to the wall for the bounce or go through the pipe hole and down to the pin if you are really good. Make sure you get around the boulders and let it slide to the cup, or your score is going to be high!